Thursday, July 15, 2010

SLI 2010--Out of this World Leadership!

I spent most of last week at SLI (Student Leadership Institute) at Manchester College in Indiana. SLI is part of the Indiana Association of Student Councils and I have been working at this camp since I was in college. I look forward to the camp each year, but of course going this year was bittersweet. It was the first time I had left Jack for more than a couple of hours. I really missed him, but knew that he and Rick were having a good time at home. Of course, the students didn't disappoint me! They are wonderful and make me look forward to the upcoming year!! Here are just a few pictures from the highlight of the week which is the Giant Swing!

My wonderful council before going on the swing!

On their way up to the top!

Free falling!

Time #1 with Carolyn!

And #2 with Lakin!

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