Friday, June 27, 2008

Pirate Cake!

Michael is one of the students that I worked with this year and now tutor. Last week we read about book about a girl making cakes that were too big and blew up or fell apart so we made our own cake this week. Michael picked it out from my book of pictures. We had a great time baking!

Helping Michael cut the cake to be one of the sides of the pirate's hat.

Michael is frosting the cake.

The finished product! It turned out cute and tasted even better!

We got to their house a little early so while we were waiting Rick took my picture.

** Rick doesn't go with me with everytime I tutor, but this is after he gets off work so he came with. He was so patient and helpful. He took pictures and listened to Michael's jokes and was the cashier when we played store to practice counting change! He is amazing and I am so lucky!

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