When Rick came home we took another walk and I walked through the contractions. We had dinner and I was finally starting to think that this could be labor. Rick wanted me to call the doctor but I kept putting it off. Finally, at 8:30pm, when the contractions were about 4 minutes apart I called the doctor and he said to come in to the hospital to be checked. We left the house when American Idol was over at 9:00pm and were able the hospital by 9:30pm.
When we arrived I was checked and dilated to 3cm and my body was ready to have the baby. We were admitted and I got an epidural right away because the anesthesiologist was close by. I was able to rest comfortably until about 7am. Rick got some sleep too. Around 7am I was very close to 10 centimeters. The contractions were getting stronger and I wasn't given any more pain relief so that I could feel when to push.
My doctor came in around 8am my doctor came in to check me. She said I could start pushing whenever I felt the urge. Our plan was to push for 1 hour and if I hadn't given birth we would do a c-section to get him out since they still thought he was pretty good. By 8:30am I was ready to start pushing, but I was watching the clock. Pushing was really difficult and I was ready to have the c-section. At 9:30am the doctor came back in and said the progress was good and that she thought we could get him out right away. My doctor was wonderful and very involved. They did have to use the forceps and I had a 3rd degree tear but Jack Maxwell was born at 9:44am on Thursday, March 18th. He weighed 9 lbs 8 oz and was 21.5 inches long! Rick and I are truly blessed and so excited to share our lives with Jack!
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