Monday, April 27, 2009

Sunday--the warm part

On Sunday morning, we met Jackie, Alex, Cindy, and Carlo in Elk Grove Village to participate in a March of Dimes walk for Jackie's friend Michelle. The day started out cold and then when we got to the farthest part of the walk, it started pouring. We walked the second half soaking wet and cold. At least it was for a good cause and we had a nice time hanging out with everyone!

After the walk, Jackie and Alex came back to our house. By the time we got to Lockport, the sun was out and it was at least 70 degrees. After having some lunch we ventured out around Lockport. Later, Jackie went to a movie with some friends while we hung out with Alex. A very enjoyable day and weekend!

Lockport replaced some old wood houses with a park along the canal. It is called "Lincoln's Landing". Alex is checking out the statues of Lincoln. It is confusing because all three people in the statue are Lincoln.

Alex got up close and personal...maybe a little too close. We aren't really sure what he was doing.

Rick is showing Alex Lincoln's head on a penny. Alex left the penny next to the statue.

Jackie and Alex on the bridge over the canal.

Under the road (159th St.). We told Alex he was holding up the road!

Alex calls dandelions butterflies...again, not really sure why.

Throwing the "butterflies" into the canal.

We went with Alex to three different parks.

Alex and Rick on the slides!

I took a short break to photograph tulips...I love them!

Park #2

I was acting as a road block.

Andrea, this picture is for you. This is Rotary Park.
You might have to make the picture bigger to read the signs.
Park #3 of the day.

Making a tough guy face for Pa!

Alex and Uncle Ricky discussing Rick's next trip in an airplane.

Alex decided to try the merry-go-round. The other kids were bigger but he wanted to try. Rick was pushing and at first Alex looks pretty excited!

But not anymore...he got right off after about 3 or 4 times around.

We watched Cars before Jackie got back. Alex put his arm around me just like Rick.
It was so adorable.

Finally, because we didn't wear him out enough, Alex discovered that these balloons didn't go to the ceiling. He was so excited to show us that his balloons (from his birthday) fell to the floor. He told us about 25 times before he had to go home. Luckily, they will still be here for him on Friday!

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