Sunday, November 25, 2007

Long Weekend!

Having a five (Katie)/four (Rick) day weekend has been so great! We were able to spend time with celebrating Thanksgiving on Thursday and Friday and then spend Saturday and Sunday decorating for Christmas and with Jenna and Megan.

When we got home on Friday night Rick and I decorated our Christmas tree. I wasn't feeling too well, but Rick put the tree together and I then I was able to help decorate. Decorating our tree is one of my favorite times of the year. I will probably make an entire post just about decorating our tree. While decorating we watched A White Christmas.

Rick and I got up on Saturday morning and went to Target. The trip wasn't for anything in particular, but we ended up spending much more money than we planned. Once we got back home we started cleaning (and doing other various tasks). Rick switched our car insurance and saved a quite a lot of money. He hanged Christmas lights on the windows and vacuumed the house. I cleaned the kitchen and bathrooms and the all of the baseboards upstairs. We then showered as we were expecting our guests. Jenna and Megan stayed the night with us! What a time we had!

Jenna and Megan were toasting a great night with their sparkling grape juice!

Guitar Hero for all!! The girls are very good....much better than me!

Megan and I baked some brownies. We didn't take any pictures of the baking, but here I am cutting them up to be served over a game of Apples to Apples Jr.

Rick is the Apples to Apples pro!

Meg is ready for bed-- "leave me alone"

During our game of Apples to Apples we stumbled upon the topic of kissing. Megan was the center of the conversation, but ended up on the floor from laughing too hard!

Cheers to more Sparkling Grape Juice--Jenna's ended up in her mouth, Megan's ended up on the floor.

This is Meg's impression of how to finish off a bottle of wine--does she have experience with this??

Shrek Super Party!!

Time for Bed!! Goodnight!

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