On Saturday we hosted Alex's 3rd Birthday Party at our house. Rick took down all of the snowman ornaments and I made Alex a Birthday Tree decorated with the Train Theme! I think this was the best birthday tree to date! We also had train tracks hanging across the room and railroad crossing signs around the house. Just enough decoration to make it special for Alex!

Birthday Tree!

Balloons and railroad tracks and crossing signs!

Overall view of the entire room!

Pre-frosting of the train cake!

Frosting the railroad sign cake!

Putting on the final touches!

Finished Product: Cake 1 -- Strawberry Cake (per Alex's request) with vanilla frosting!

Finished Product: Cake #2 -- Half Chocolate/Half Vanilla with Vanilla Frosting (dyed green, also Alex's request). This cake was much more difficult but they both turned out great and Alex loved them!

Blowing out the Birthday Candles. Alex didn't know there were so many verses in the Hurckes Family so Pa re-lit the candles in the middle of the second verse so Alex could blow them out again!

Loving the attention--obviously he has some Hurckes blood!

All of the guest (minus the Holly, Quinn, and Taylor)

Mommy and the Birthday Boy!

Opening presents! I tried to get Alex to show everyone what he got when he opened it, but obviously by the look on his face he was not at all interested in doing this...on to the next gift!

Little People!!!

Alex on his new bicycle!

With his helmet!

Baby Tay's turn!

Alex and Taylor playing with the balloons!

PJ Time!! Grandma and Alex!

Alex was looking at Uncle Ricky's new calendar.

Couldn't get enough frosting!

Jumping on the trampoline in our new Wii game!

Tough Guy!!

Alex helped me put the candles in the menorah for the last night of Hannukah!

Unfortunately, the menorah tipped over and one of the candles broke. Alex thought we should light this candle and sing him Happy Birthday again. And then to mommy, and then to Uncle Ricky, and then to Auntie Katie, and then finally to his new bicycle.

Giving silly kisses!!